How to use RogueKiller

How to use RogueKiller



RogueKiller | Step-by-step instructions

Note: Please read the instructions carefully. Also, it’s recommended to take a backup of you computer before running any cleanup utility.


 How to download & run RogueKiller?

  1. First go to [ ] to download the latest release of RogueKiller.
  2. Once you’ve downloaded the program to your computer, then double click it to run.
  3. It will first run through a “Pre-scan” to find and kill any threats currently running.
  4. When the “Pre-scan” has finished, then click on the “Scan” button (top right).
  5. Once the primary scan has completed, click on the “Registry” tab, right click any one of the registry items, and hit “Select all”
  6. Lastly, click the “Delete” option (right-hand menu) and wait for the status bar at the top to say “Items Deleted Successfully” and then close down the program.

What is RogueKiller?

  • RogueKiller is a security tool that can be used to terminate and remove malicious processes and programs from your computer. RogueKiller has the ability to remove infections such as ZeroAccess, TDSS, rogue anti-spyware programs, and Ransomwares.
  • When you run RogueKiller, you can perform a scan of your computer for malicious programs and entries. Once the scan is complete it will display a list of found issues and allow you to fix them. RogueKiller also contains individual fixes that include repairing missing shortcuts due to the FakeHDD program, fixing your HOSTS file, and fixing Proxy server hijackers.

RogueKiller Features:

  • Kills malware and hidden processes.
  • Stop malware services.
  • Unloads malware DLLs from processses.
  • Removes malicious autorun entries.
  • Can fix DNS hijackers
  • Can fix Proxy Hijackers
  • Can repair the HOSTS file.
  • Restores shortcuts hidden by the FakeHDD rogues.
  • Analyze the Master Boot Record for symptoms of Rootkit infections.
  • List and Fix SSDT, Shadow SSDT, and IRP Hooks caused by Rootkits.
  • Displays and restores patched system files.

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