How to use Junkware Removal Tool

How to use Junkware Removal Tool

junkware removal tool


Junkware Removal Tool | Step-by-step instructions

Note: Please read the instructions carefully. Also, it’s recommended to take a backup of you computer before running any cleanup utility.


 How to download & run Junkware Removal Tool?

  1. First go to [ ] to download the latest release of JRT.
  2. Once you’ve downloaded the program to your computer, then double click it to run.
  3. Follow the installation wizard and click “any key to continue”.
  4. It will start scanning your computer and go through all of it’s stages.
  5. Once it reaches the end of the scan and completes successfully it will pull up a text window with the results.
  6. Close down window when you have finished viewing the report.

What is Junkware Removal Tool?

  • Junkware Removal Tool is a security utility that searches for and removes common adware, toolbars, and potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) from your computer. A common tactics among freeware publishers is to offer their products for free, but bundle them with PUPs in order to earn revenue. This tool will help you remove these types of programs.

Additional Info about JRT:

  • Junkware Removal Tool has the ability to remove the following types of programs: (Ask Toolbar, Babylon, Browser Manager, Claro / iSearch, Conduit, Coupon Printer for Windows, Crossrider, Facemoods / Funmoods, iLivid, IncrediBar, MyWebSearch, Searchqu, Web Assistant). When run, Junkware Removal Tool will remove all traces of these programs including their files, Registry keys, and folders.

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